Wednesday, 17 April 2013

How to Load Data from Excel with ODI

1.    How to Load Data from Excel

1.1    Main Steps

  • Define a name in Excel
  • Define an ODBC data source
  • Create a data server in Topology Manager
  • Create a data model in Designer
  • Create an interface

1.1.1    Define a Name in Excel

Select the data you are interested in and go to Formulas tab to define a name.

Rename the name and add comment as below.

Define the cell format before define a name. This cell format will affect the data type when creating data model with “Reverse Engineer”.

1.1.2    Define an ODBC Data Source

1.1.3    Create Data Server in Topology Manager


Rename jdbc:odbc:<odbc_dsn_alias> to jdbc:odbc:ODIExcel

Click “Test Connection” to test

Create physical schema

Create logical schema


1.1.4    Create a data model in Designer

Click “Reverse Engineer” to reverse the model structure

Double click “PRODUCT_INFO” view the data model

Update excel cell format to Text

Delete the model and recreate again. The data type will be reversed as VARCHAR(255)

View data to confirm.

There are some data with null value from line 6 to 10. We can filter these data when we create interface.

1.1.5    Create an interface


Define the filter condition execute on Staging Area”.


Run the interface and check log

1.2    Reference

Using Microsoft Excel as a Source and a Target in Oracle Data Integrator

Connecting to Microsoft Excel using Oracle Data Integrator

Microsoft Excel as a Source and Target as Oracle in ODI

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